Planning Committee

Details of applications are sent from North Herts Council (NHC) as the Local Planning Authority to the Parish Council as a consultee. NHC also consults with contiguous neighbours simultaneously. The Parish Council's responses to these consultations are routinely discussed and agreed at their monthly meetings (sign up below to receive agendas). For planning applications where there is a significant village interest an on-site meeting of the Parish Council’s Planning Committee may be convened to consider those items. This means that some  applications are considered at the monthly Parish Council meetings held in the Parish Room, others may be considered on-site by the Planning Committee (all parish councillors are members of this committee). 

The Parish Council considers each application in relation to the Ashwell Neighbourhood Plan and, if relevant, will make a request to NHC re a section 106 payment. Following the meeting its recommendations are forwarded to NHC which, as the Planning Authority, makes the decision to grant permission or not.

Details and plans relating to applications may be viewed on the North Herts District Council website at or at the North Herts District Council offices in Letchworth.

A summary of recent consultations received by the Parish Council  is available. 

P​lanning committee Saturday 21 October 2023

Click here for the agenda.

T​his meeting is advisory only to enable an on site assessment. The Parish Council's response to the NHC consultation will be agreed at the November council meeting.

P​lanning committee Wed 26 July 2023

C​lick here for the agenda

NHC Planning Officer’s consultation on the amended proposals for planning application -

Land West Of Ashwell Road, Bygrave, Hertfordshire, SG7 5EB (Bygrave Solar Farm)

NHC reference: 22/00741/FP

Full Planning Permission: Ground mounted solar photovoltaic (PV) farm including

battery energy storage; continued agricultural use, ancillary infrastructure, security

fencing, landscaping provision, ecological enhancements and associated works (as


C​lick here for the approved minutes

128 Ashwell Street NHC reference: 23/01159/FP

Erection of a two storey five-bed dwelling with a single storey 1-bed attached annexe to front elevation and detached garage following demolition of existing bungalow.

P​lanning Committee meeting ON SITE Monday 19 June at 7pm

C​lick here for the agenda

C​lick here for the approved minutes

D​ixies Meadow, High Street

N​HC Planning Control Committee refused this application at their meeting on 14 September 2023

C​lick here for more details

C​lick here to see the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on site Saturday 08 April 2023

Planning reference: 23/00666/FP

(to see the plans put this ref. number into the planning search box on the NHC website)

Erection of 12 dwellings with associated hard and soft landscaping, creation of vehicular access, public open space and children's play area.


U​pdated 01 February 2023

L​and at Hunts Close (North of Ashwell Street between the Ruddery and Lucas Lane)

A​ planning application has now been submitted to the Local Planning Authority, NHC, by Manor Oak Homes.

put the reference no, 22/03094/FP into the search box using the link below)

The Parish Council received a formal consultation and has sent its response to NHC following the on-site meeting on Saturday 07 January at 10am.

C​lick here for the draft minutes

The applicant also attended the January 2023 council meeting (postponed from December).

Click here for the draft minutes

A​ date for the meeting at which NHC will make a decision is pending.











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