One of the issues that frequently arises in our community is that many people who live and work here struggle to access affordable and suitable housing.
The Parish Council is working with the registered charity Community Development Action Hertfordshire (CDA) and North Herts Council to look at the current housing need in the Parish. We are reviewing whether there is still a demand for affordable housing for people with a strong connection to Ashwell (through residency, family ties or employment) who cannot access the housing that they need locally. This could be the young, single people, families with young children, the elderly, or simply people struggling to make ends meet.
Paper copies of the survey will be delivered to all households with the 2024 Yearbook but we encourage you to complete the survey online if you are able to.
Click here for more information and to access the online survey
Click here for the publicity flyer
NHC is the relevant authority for housing in North Herts, ie for Ashwell.
See link to their website for general information
They say:
Affordability and the local housing market
The demand for housing in the district is high and market cost housing is increasingly out of reach for many households. Households who are without adequate housing and who cannot afford to buy or rent suitable housing in the open market are said to be in housing need. We are committed to meeting this housing need through the provision of affordable housing in the district.
Strategic housing market assessments
In order to establish the extent of housing need in the district, and the type of housing required to meet this need, we undertake regular district wide assessments of the local housing market.
Parish housing needs surveys
We supplement data from the district wide housing needs surveys with more localised information from surveys carried out in parishes. These are conducted in partnership with Parish Councils and the Countryside Development Agency's Rural Housing Enabler.
Self Build
If appropriate please feel free to include self-build dwellings in your response. Details can be found at on the NHCwebsite at: