Summary of recent consultations

T​he Parish Council is consulted by NHC, and responds to them, on all planning applications in the parish. For applications where there is a significant village interest on on-site meeting of the Planning Committee is usually held. Parish councillors are always keen to hear the views of local residents before agreeing their own response and members of the public are always given an opportunity to speak at these meetings.

Click here for a Planning Summary as of 23 July 2024

C​lick here for a Tree Planning Summary as of 23 July 2024

Details of all planning applications (site plans, drawings etc) as well as responses made by individuals and organisations (including the Parish Council) that are consulted are on the NHDC website.

(put the case ref number into the search box on the planning page)

Please get in touch with us if you have problems finding what you want.

Click here for details of Planning Committee meetings

D​ixies Meadow. NHC Planning Control Committee refused this application at their meeting on Wed 14 September 2023.

C​lick here to see their Decision Notice

Details and a YouTube of the meeting are on the NHC website

C​lick here to see the Parish Council response to the NHC consultation


B​ygrave Solar Farm. NHC Planning Control Committee agreed to defer a decision on this application at their meeting on Wed 14 September 2023.

Details and a YouTube of the meeting are on the NHC website

C​lick here to see the Parish Council response to the NHC consultation

Further comments were also made in response to the subsequent re-consultation on amendments

H​unts Close. Land between Ashwell House and Hunts Ridge.

The NHC Planning Control Committee REFUSED this application at its meeting on 23 January 2024


The Parish Council received a formal consultation and sent its response to NHC following the on-site meeting on Saturday 07 January 2023 at 10am.

C​lick here for the draft minutes

C​lick here for the Parish Council's response to NHC

The applicant also attended the January 2023 council meeting

Click here for the draft minutes


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