
The new District Local Plan and the Ashwell Neighbourhood Plan have now been adopted. See the NHC website


The Ashwell Village Design Statement has now been incorporated into the Neighbourhood Plan.


North Herts Council (NHC) is the Local Planning Authority.

See for information on planning matters including the new District Local Plan and the Ashwell Neighbourhood Plan.


How the Parish Council responds to planning applications Click here for a summary of recent applications

Details of planning applications are sent from North Herts Council (NHC), who are the Local Planning Authority, to the Parish Council, who are a statutory consultee. Full details and plans of applications may be viewed on the NHC website ( in their Planning section. To make a formal objection or comment members of the public must to respond directly to NHC (via their website, email or in writing). Please make sure that the Parish Council is also aware of your views so that they can take them into account when formulating their response.

For significant applications, or if they are aware of a wider village interest, the Parish Council may hold an on-site meeting of the Parish Council’s Planning Committee. See the Parish Council section for Planning Committee agendas and minutes of past meetings. For applications where the Parish Council is not aware of any significant objections, the response to the NHC Planning Officer is usually agreed at a monthly Parish Council meeting.

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