Village News and Events

News from the Parish Council - July 2024

News from the Parish Council - July 2024

T​he main points from the Parish Council Meeting held in July

North Herts: Controversial plans approved for solar farm

North Herts: Controversial plans approved for solar farm

A planning application for a solar farm on a 53.6 hectare field in the North Baldock Chalk Uplands in Bygrave was approved by North Herts Council's Planning Control Committee last week. It means the developer can install between 80,000 and 95,000 solar panels on the site, which is within the

F​ree Blood Pressure Check

F​ree Blood Pressure Check

One in four adults have high blood pressure, but only half know they have it. Having high blood pressure (hypertension) increases your risk of heart attack and stroke, and also of conditions such as kidney disease and heart failure. It’s quick and easy to get a FREE blood pressure check at a

Brockwood Festival at Bygrave Woods

Brockwood Festival at Bygrave Woods

T​he festival is taking place on Friday 12th July to Sunday 14th July 2024 P​lease click here for further information

Affordable Housing Survey

Affordable Housing Survey

One of the issues that frequently arises in our community is that many people who live and work here struggle to access affordable and suitable housing. The Parish Council is working with the registered charity Community Development Action Hertfordshire (CDA) and North Herts Council to look at the

Playground improvement consultation

Playground improvement consultation

We are seeking your views on how the facilities at the Rec could be improved particularly for older children. C​lick here for details >

Village Drains

Village Drains

Hertfordshire County Council is responsible for our roads including drains. Ashwell Parish Council invite residents to report problematic or blocked drains. Please can you do so by contacting the , sending a photo of the drain with it’s location using What3Words . What3Words

Survey re Ashwell Outreach Post Office

Survey re Ashwell Outreach Post Office

Since January this Post Office service has only been open for 3 hours on Monday and Wednesday, 12 noon to 3pm. The Parish Council has brought the reduction in hours to the attention of our MP, Sir Oliver Heald, and he has raised the matter with the Post Office Minister. As a result of this and

The Pavilion - renovation or replacement?

The Pavilion - renovation or replacement?

The Parish Council is seeking your views. Consultation with an architect in 2022 identified that the Pavilion and the public toilets at the Rec, built in the 1960s and 70’s, are no longer fit for purpose and require either a major refurbishment or replacement. With a forecast build cost in excess

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