Parish councillors 

There are currently seven parish councillors (the full complement would be 12).

 Click here to see all our parish councillors and for contact details.

The Parish Council welcomes input from  volunteers either as individuals for particular topics/projects or as part of  working groups.

P​arish councillors take on various roles and responsibilities

Click here to see tasks undertaken by each parish councillor

A​ll parish councillors must abide by the adopted Code of Conduct

Click here to see the the Parish Council's Code of Conduct

C​lick here for further information

Every parish councillor must submit their Register of Interests to the NHC Monitoring Officer

These can be seen on the NHC website -see link below

D​ispensations for Councillors and Declarations of Acceptance of Office

The Parish Council office is at 6a Back Street (rented from the Ashwell Housing Association).
The office is usually open from 8.30 to 1.30 Monday to Thursday (01462) 743706.
Jane Porter is currently the acting Clerk


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