Neighbourhood Plan documents and information are available on the NHC website -see link below.
Our vision is to ensure Ashwell continues to thrive and grow as a community, whilst safeguarding the village's character. We want to ensure that growth is sustainable and the village continues to meet the needs of its people.
We want to enhance the facilities of the village to meet the challenges and changing needs of the community, to ensure that the parish remains sustainable and cohesive. Our village also needs a strong local economy and well-maintained infrastructure that supports its needs and connects the parish to the wider community.
The Plan has 10 Objectives to achieve this Vision:
The Objectives are delivered through 20 Policies
POLICY ASH1 Sets specific criteria for the Location of development
POLICY ASH2 Prioritises smaller, affordable, dwellings for the Housing mix
POLICY ASH3 Seeks to preserve and complement the special features of the Conservation area in the Character of development
POLICY ASH4 Sets expected standards for the Design of development
POLICY ASH5 Sets standards designed to manage any Flood risk
POLICY ASH6 Advances the concept of best practice for Environmentally sustainable design
POLICY ASH7 Seeks to ensure that development Protects historic assets
POLICY ASH8 Seeks to protect the rural character and Locally significant views
POLICY ASH9 Sets development criteria designed to protect Natural landscape and rural character
POLICY ASH10 Requires Planning applications to respect Natural wildlife assets, wildlife corridors and green infrastructure
POLICY ASH11 Defines The Foresters’ Allotments as a Local Green Space
POLICY ASH12 Encourages local employment via Incubator/flexible start-up business space
POLICY ASH13 Sets expected standards for Broadband provision
POLICY ASH14 Seeks to preserve current retail services as long as viable in Ashwell village centre
POLICY ASH15 Seeks to ensure development enhances the Provision of leisure and recreation facilities
POLICY ASH16 Seeks the Protection of public houses
POLICY ASH17 Requires proposals that enhance or maintain existing health services
POLICY ASH18 Requires Planning applications to provide solutions to their impact on Education provision
POLICY ASH19 The ANP expects developments to provide footways that link with the existing network of bridleways and footpaths - Accessible paths in the village and rural areas
POLICY ASH20 Requires Planning applications that do not create more demand for on-street car parking - Residential and public car parking.
If you have any questions please do contact the PC Clerk or any Parish Councillor.