The Pavilion - renovation or replacement?

The Parish Council is seeking your views.

Consultation with an architect in 2022 identified that the Pavilion and the public toilets at the Rec, built in the 1960s and 70’s, are no longer fit for purpose and require either a major refurbishment or replacement.

With a forecast build cost in excess of £400,000 there is a funding gap of at least £250,000+. We have already invited donations from the Ashwell community, but to date no donations have been forthcoming. If you are in a position to be able to make a donation please do so.

Realistically, with limited availability of grants from larger public bodies or sports associations, the main options for finance remain either community donations or a loan financed through a temporary increase in the Parish Precept, the Ashwellspecific annual Council Tax. That supplement is estimated for an average Band D household a tax supplement of £30 per year for 10 years.


C​lick here for more details and a proposal for funding.

Please contact the Clerk or a parish councillor with your views (for or against this tax supplement) or attend the Annual Parish Meeting when it will be an agenda item.

Wednesday the 20th March 2024, 7 pm at the school (Big Hall)

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