Ashwell Pavilion & Public Toilets at the Rec

Village Consultation September/October 2024

C​lick here to View Result of the Online & Paper copy Questionnaire

C​lick here to View Analysis Breakdown of Questionnaire Result

Click here to view the 'Pavilion Background & Options’


The Pavilion on the Recreation Ground was built in the 1960s. Well used, it provides valuable changing facilities for pitch sports and separate toilets for visitors to the Recreation Ground (the only externally available ones in the village). Its structure, plumbing and electrics are worn out, needing increasingly frequent maintenance. People with challenged mobility and/or disabilities cannot access or use the facilities. They are dated and basic with very tired internal decorations, and the Pavilion will become unusable soon regardless of the maintenance effort expended.

The Parish Council is asking parishioners’ views on potential options at an early stage - one would have a significant impact on Council Tax. Feedback will shape the next stage of work undertaken by the Parish Council and volunteers to finesse one or more of the preferred options. There will then be a further consultation before the final decision is made on the Pavilion’s future.

Please note that there have been attempts to secure grant funding from, for example: the National Lottery and North Herts Council. However, as Ashwell is a relatively prosperous area, funding is unlikely to be forthcoming through any means other than a combination of previous developer contributions, and a loan which would require a corresponding increase in the precept.


There are a great number of possible proposals but they would probably all have similarities with one or other of the following three:

  • 1 - closure and removal of the structure with no replacement. This is effectively the ‘no change’ option. We will lose the Pavilion anyway. Removing it would reduce running costs and therefore slightly reduce Council Tax (expected to be between £6-7 for a Band D property). The demolition cost can be met from existing working balances.
  • 2 - renovate the Pavilion to extend its life by a further 15-20 years, meeting current minimum building standards but with no further interior or exterior improvements. The cost would need all the sum available from developer contributions for improvements to recreation facilities and a loan. The estimated impact on Council Tax would be between £2.00 and £5.70 for 10 years for a Band D property.
  • 3 - replace or totally refurbish the Pavilion, giving it a life of potentially 50 years. The building would provide facilities that are appropriate and comfortable for users, have more possible uses, meet accessibility standards, be energy efficient and be cost effective for the Parish Council to run. The option would use all developer contributions and need a loan that would increase Council Tax by approximately £33.50 to £44.20 per annum for 10 years for a Band D property.

As part of the exercise there will be a Recreation facilities fees and charges review to decide whether they are fair and proportionate for the favoured option(s) and we would welcome your views on this.

The Pavilion is one of the Parish's largest and most prominent assets and this decision is a generational one. Please get involved!

If you have skills in architecture, construction, building and quantity surveying, project management, sports and fitness facilities or fund raising we want to hear from you. As a volunteer, you can play an important role in the future of the Pavilion.


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