The Icknield Way Association - Why Old Paths Matter
A free to all talk by archaeologist and anthropologist, Mary-Ann Ochota. To be held at Market Hill Rooms, Fish Hill, Royston SG8 9JL on 2pm, Saturday 19th October 2024.Refreshments will be provided. PLEASE NOTE: Space will be limited. It is essential that anyone wishing to attend books their place by contacting Doug Landman, IWA Publicity Officer at
Survivors Against Domestic Abuse (SADA)
To provide support and advice to victims and survivors, and children living with domestic abuse. Drop in service every other Monday from 12pm to 2pm. For more information, please call 01438 242666 and ask for SADA or
Older Persons Activity Learning And Safety Event
There are just a few remaining free places left for the OPALS (Older Persons Activity Learning and Safety) event , taking place on Tuesday 27th August at 10.00am at the Free Church Hall, Gernon Road, Letchworth, SG6 3HS.
The aim of the OPALS event is to provide quality information, advice and help available within the local community on a wide range of services available to reduce vulnerability of our senior citizens, to provide reassurance, safe and wellbeing support and reduce loneliness.
If you feel that you know someone who would benefit from the event, then please pass this message on to them. All event guests will be seated and served refreshments and a FREE hot meal, representatives from a variety of agencies will give advice and the services they offer. It is a sociable event, and a great opportunity to meet other residents in the local area.
Agencies not giving talks will have stalls that you can visit, to get advice, collect some safety related information and freebies. The event lasts around 4 hours, please arrive on time to ensure you do not miss out on the speakers or freebies on offer. “Act of Kindness” bags will be handed out at the end of the event.
If you would like to attend, please contact Terry Morris, on 07740 670 642 or email: with names and contact information, spaces are limited so if you don’t want to miss out then please reserve a space quickly.
Future Road Repairs - Tro 25665
We have received advance notice that repairs in Ashwell Street, from its junction with Kingsland Way south westwards to its junction with Bear Lane, a distance of approximately 297m. will be repaired, no date has been fixed. An alternative route will be via Kingsland Way, Silver Street and Bear Lane. The Public Notice will appear in the Royston Crow on 29 August and 12 September 2024.
Age Uk Herts - Important Announcement County Wide Iniatiive
Age UK Herts, North Herts CVS, and Hertfordshire County Council Public Health Join Forces to Make Hertfordshire Age-Friendly. Age UK Hertfordshire, in collaboration with North Herts CVS and Hertfordshire County Council Public Health, are proud to announce a ground breaking initiative to transform Hertfordshire into an Age-Friendly Community, making it the only 2-tier authority currently aiming for accreditation. This joint venture will involve working with residents, local organisations, government bodies, and the national Centre for Ageing Better with the aim of ensuring older people in Hertfordshire are valued, and able to live well throughout later life, with a vision to make Hertfordshire the best county to age in. Click here for full information.